Introducing GoDraw3
Welcome to GoDraw3.
GoDraw3 is a whole new way to draw in FileMaker. Its native FileMaker features gives freedom to a user and flexibility to the developer of the custom app.
Freedom for the User
There is a lot of freedom for a user of GoDraw3 to draw images and store them in FileMaker.
- Create a brand new image or draw on an existing picture.
- Use drawing tools such as a pen or shape tool inside GODraw3's drawing canvas.
- Save the image in one of four possible formats: .png, .jpg, .pdf, or .svg format and use these formats for other purposes.
- Open an image and re-edit the drawing.
- Use standard shortcuts to speed up the workflow.
Flexibility for the Developer
GoDraw3 is all native FileMaker.
- The application is primarily a web viewer app. It uses the JavaScript library Zwibbler to enable the drawing functionality.
- The web viewer app is self-contained in a separate file, making it easy to integrate into an existing custom app.
- FileMaker buttons run scripts which call the functionality of the JavaScript library.
- The scripts contain options, such as {"fillStyle": red, "roundRadius: 20px} which are passed to the web viewer app and used in the drawings.
- The image is stored three ways:
- in the container in a format chosen by the user (.png, .jpg, .pdf)
- in a text field as an .svg
- in a text field as a JSON object
Because of the native nature of GoDraw3, there are plenty of possibilities for customization. GoDraw3 is completely open a developer to do with it what she wishes.